
Something about the history of sports, when he started, 1st game, etc.

Although the term esport began to be used only after the year 2000, some We can map the beginning of the sport from the very beginning of the video games themselves. First an event that could be considered an sports tournament between each other in October 1972 organized students at Stamford University in the game Spacewar. The prize for first place was an annual subscription to Rolling Stones magazine. But The first truly official competition took place in 1980, and about in the game Space Invaders. The Space Invaders championship took part around 10,000 players and the tournament received a lot of media attention.

In the eighties, so-called highscore began to appear in many games. The creators of the games decided to record the best results achieved, even were recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. This motivated many players to training and overcoming these results. In the 1990s p With the rise of the Internet, the game scene also changed. Players could connect over the Internet and could create multiplayer games as we know them today. IN in 1997, the Red Annihilation tournament took place in the game Quake. Tournaments are participated by around 2000 competitors and is considered the first Esport event. As the main prize of this tournament, one of the creators of Quake donated his Ferrari 328 GTS.

In 1998, a new title was released, which took place in this new sports scene very successful. Starcraft quickly became very popular. Make up became so successful that its successor Starcarft 2 is still among the most famous titles on the progaming scene. In 2002, a game was released title that will give rise to a new genre of games that will become one of most successful in the industry. This is a strategy game Warcraft 3 and the mode he gets later. Defense of the Ancients, or for short DotA lays the foundation for new MOBA games. Nowadays, they are already sports tournaments on a daily basis.

Spacewar tournament

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